Saturday, 14 March 2015

Research & Development: Ghana Youtube Series: African City

This show is about a woman who decides to go back home to her country to start a new life. I enjoyed watching this series because I could relate to the homesick feeling the main character, Nana Yaa. It doesn't have folktales as the basis of the storyline but it does put into perspective the complications or clashes that Africans face when they travel back home, it conveys the differences in Western culture to African cultures and highlights how that affects each woman in their relationships, and everyday life.

The production quality is very high, which is the same for many other Youtube web series, again the lighting is not used here to support the narrative but used to establish the location and time. I have included this show because compared to Papa Ajasco, this is a new and modern show but it does influence my African theme project. I feel that this is the type of show that shows Africans in a different light than what is commonly seen. I know through watching these series that I definitely want to make my films more light-hearted with a hint of seriousness, but I would like the acting exaggerated like the show Papa Ajasco.

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