Monday, 20 January 2014

Title Sequence

I came across this video from the Youtube channel 'Nightmare Kinetics' when I was researching about title sequences for the intro of my VFX video. I was playing with the idea of creating a symbol that expresses the theme of my video but after the watching the video above it gave me ideas to work with fonts and sound effects to create a title sequence that can be done in the time that I have left and still be good.

I did experiment with the idea of using one of the rough drawings of my concept art in my title sequence but in the time frame I have, I may not be able to create something that I like.

I have been experimenting with how I want the title to look like as you can see below in the image.
I have not yet considered the composition of my title on the screen so the images below just show experimenting with shadow texts in Photoshop and the different fonts I considered to have my title in.
I did download a font based on visually conveying Horror though I found it a bit cliche but I have not discarded the idea.

The font that I really liked was LITHOS PRO because I liked the shape of the letters and felt that their expression was neutral, the other font I liked was the one I downloaded which is BIRDLAND AEROPLANE.
I looked at the Art of Title ( ) website which has many title sequences from movies/TV shows which I found really helpful as they were all different.

The screenshots above are showing the effect of 'Warp' on the text which I am going to add 'white noise' sound to it to give a scary effect as it stretches. I have kept the font the same for the opening and ending credits, it works well. I downloaded the font style from for free and since I have tested it against other fonts to see what looks best, the font 'Birdland Aeroplane' works well.

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