Monday, 28 October 2013

Jerad S Marantz/Alex Mandra

I am posting work from Jerad S Marantz because he worked on the 2013 film, The Conjuring. It is a film based on paranormal investigators helping a family rid of terrorizing ghostly presence in their house.

The genre is horror and thriller which got me thinking about what category my video is going to be and how that would affect my storyboarding and concept art work. I am sure that I shall be exploring idea 2 more which I explained in my previous post so considering that I will need to know if I want to make the visual appearance of the doppelgänger scary or a calm presence. This will also affect my choice of music.

Or I could go down the path of sci-fi which would mean I would want the doppelgänger to be less scary and more human but with super powers.
Which is what Alex Mandra has done.

Alex Mandra has also done some thriller type work for the Black Swan movie, which I have posted an example of below.

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