Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Game Engine: ForgeLight and Unity


From the article in 3D World Magazine, I learnt about the new game engine Forgelight which is described as the next-generation MMO (massively multiplayer online). Forgelight has been used to create the game PlanetSide 2 PC Game. 

It is said to take advantage of the computer's capabilities ''without slowing down performance'' or affecting ''game play''.

Above is a screenshot of what the advanced features it has.

I am not much of a gamer but I found the idea of this game engine being created mainly to support the game PlanetSide 2.
Also since using Unity to help create my game level I have learnt how the basics of Unity works and more complex things such as Particle systems which I found hard to get my head around.

Unity supports many platforms which allows it to be the first choice of most people since it can work on iphone, PC, Mac, Web, Wii and many others.
Since in this module I have used Unity to create my game level I can only inform what the Forgelight engine can do.

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