Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Brief 2: Emote

Our next project following from the previous one is called Emote. We are working in groups of 3/4 people and have to produce a 2minute film based on one of these titles: Happiness, Guilt, Worry, Chase, Fight & Love.
We have chosen to portray Worry, our main idea surrounding this, is Procrastination. Below is a small mind-map of the main points or ideas we want to maybe portray in this film.

We plan to use the necessary equipment to achieve the best scenes to edit.
Filming schedule

The factors we have considered is: Locations, Roles in the film, Equipment  and Time.

I plan to look at different sites and books to help me edit the film. A couple are shown below.

  1. http://classes.yale.edu/film-analysis/htmfiles/editing.htm
  2. http://digitalfilms.wordpress.com/2008/12/16/12-tips-for-better-film-editing/

We are also going to decide whether we want to take a comedic or serious tone with this topic and think of different ways we can present this idea while making sure we convey the emotion of Worry. 
The roles that each person in the group has is:
  1. Kinga: Storyboard Artist
  2. Sophie: Director
  3. Munni: Editor

Storyboard Planning so far.....

Trying to convey the theme of 'Worry', so I have only done storyboarding for one subject because more than one main subject for this idea is much easier.

The two images above just roughly state techniques that might be used when it comes to filming.

This is the main sequence of scenes so far that we are going to follow during tomorow's filming.

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