Sunday, 4 November 2012

Arthur Max & Ioan Dumitrescu

These are images from the set of 'Prometheus', a science fiction film that is mainly about the crew on a spaceship in exploration of a godly being.

This movie features a lot of CGI techniques in creating these detailed sets.
  • The set mainly created by Arthur Max was built in depth and also shot in depth. The first image is a room in the spaceship where the crew's planning took place.
  • The second image is the ship they found in a cave abandoned by aliens from a different planet
  • Arthur Max has made a great job capturing a futuristic/alien-like appearance with the surroundings these characters were placed in.
  • He would have had to make the sets look realistic but also unusual as the movie is set in the future.
  • Unlike some movies, these sets aren't meant to evoke any emotional feelings to enhance the character's situation, this movie is more action than drama it has to capture the viewer's attention visually too.
Ioan Dumitrescu

To add to this post, this work of Ioan Dumitrescu echoes the set design of Prometheus, it is a drawing of a spaceship interior or platform with glimpses of its outside surroundings. There is a lot of detail in the structure of the ship and the shading is done well, this could easily be used as part of the Prometheus film set.

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