Shaman King, originally created by Hiroyuki Takei is a manga and anime mainly based on Yoh Asakura's journey to heroism. The main reason this is featuring on my blog is because while watching it again, I thought more about the character design for this manga & anime. The anime version is very nicely done.
This is because:
- The image above has the characters Ren & Bason who at the beginning are rivals towards Yoh, the big armoured guy is Bason, Ren's guardian ghost. This character has been designed to help mirror Ren's character traits. Ren's see's himself as the biggest, bestest and baddest shaman so his guardian ghost will equally portray that. This is done by the armour he wears and its big body build.
Same idea applies to Yoh's guardian ghost 'Amidamaru'. Amidamaru is a human type ghost, he shares opposite qualities to Yoh. He was once a samurai when alive and performed a deed that he has regretted since his death, however Yoh, who is laid back and forgiving has helped Amidamaru's spirit forgive itself. Also, Amidamaru was a samurai and samurai's are determined. This helps to fuel Yoh's laid back side. Also, both characters like to help people in need which gives them a guardian archetype.
Basically besides the physical appearance of these characters, Hiroyuki Takei has put much thought into the whole background of these characters and their guardian ghosts.
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